
The ROG Strix GD30 is a customizable gaming desktop off the shelf

Ready for battle starting at $1299. The ROG Strix GD30 is ready for gaming and VR right out of the box—just connect a display and headset.


Republic of Gamers Announces the Strix GD30 gaming desktop. ROG Strix GD30 is literally and figuratively changing the face of the gaming desktop. Read on...

AGILITY GD30 絲襪材質鼠墊(小) - MSI Store

已售完 Ean, 4719072602345. 產品料號, AGILITY GD30 GAMING MOUSEPAD. 材質, 獨家絲襪材質面料. 長, 450mm. 寬, 400mm. 高, 3mm. 重量, 325公克. 其他特色, 防滑橡膠底座.

ASUS ROG STRIX GD30 Gaming Desktop, NV GeForce GTX 1070 ...

評分 3.9 (21) Powerful Full Size ATX Gaming Desktop: Equipped with latest Intel Core i7-7700 3.6GHz and GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Graphics; Unique chassis design with ...

MSI 微星Agility GD30 絲襪面料電競鼠墊

已售完 驊哥電腦【MSI 微星Agility GD30 絲襪面料電競鼠墊】☆筆電首選快選驊哥電腦!史上最殺優惠就在這!【驊哥電腦】CJSCOPE,喜傑獅,MSI,微星,ASUS,華碩,LENOVO,聯想,ACER, ...

MSI GAMING 微星Agility GD30布質鼠墊

供應中 【商品介紹】 首創絲襪材質面料電競鍵鼠墊。不僅可以靈活,準確地控制鼠標,還可以為您提供極其平滑的移動體驗和更低的摩擦力。讓您毫不費力地感受到在桌面自在游移的 ...

ASUS Gaming Desktop - Taiwan Excellence

ASUS GD30 is designed for casual gamers who want a high performance gaming platform and expect for future upgradable space.

ASUS 華碩客製化ROG Strix GD30 電競桌機,電競就該這樣組裝!

內空間的部分,則可以放置6個HDD,2個SSD,5個風扇和一個水冷設備,玩家也可以選擇Intel i7 或i5 CPU,另外,GD30 還有USB Type-C(USB-C)連接埠和USB 3.1 Gen 1 ...

ASUS Announces the STRIX GD30 Gaming Desktop

ROG Strix GD30 features up to the latest 7th Generation Intel Core i7 processor with Turbo Boost, delivering clock speeds of up to 4.2GHz - up ...

ROG Strix GD30 Gaming Desktop

ROG Strix GD30 has a brand-new look with a unique black and white design and interchangeable, customizable front panels.

